Toolkit is now available from our website. The aim of toolkit is to introduce community workers’ and NGO stakeholders’ strategies for how to improve the participation of older men (aged 60 years or more) in the local community and, in particular, how to encourage older men’s socialisation, informal learning and inclusion in organisations which are not primarily meant for education and learning in the third and fourth life stages.
Therefore, this Toolkit suggests how to develop bottom-up strategies for community activities targeting older men, and direction for networking community organisations. Besides this, it tries to raise public awareness of the social isolation of men aged 60 years or more; build the capacity of national and local institutions/organisations to address (self)marginalisation and poor health of older men, through social innovations and alternative approaches fostering community learning, doing and socialising; disseminate research findings through diverse educational programmes and public discussions (with all generations, with NGO representatives and other stakeholders in civic society, adult education and policies) to better cope with the demanding issue of social isolation.
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash